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Gold and Silver Prices Higher as Platinum and Palladium Sell Off

Written By Unknown on Sunday, March 20, 2011 | 7:32 AM

As turmoil reigned in the Middle East and worries mounted over the reduction of oil supplies, gold and silver proved their safe haven status as both moved higher in price.

After a very solid gain of $1.94 per ounce last week, silver continued its upward move with another gain of $.60. The closing London Fix Price for silver was $32.54 for a gain of 1.88% on the week. The normal price consolidation and pullback in silver that extended from the beginning of the year into the end of January was the setup for a solid breakout into new highs. Silver has now advanced over 20% from the lows of January.

Besides the safe haven/currency alternative lure of silver, the fundamentals in silver are forecasting further dramatic price gains. There have been numerous reports documenting physical shortages of silver as well as huge investment demand in the U.S., India and China.

One solid indication of the huge demand for physical silver is evidenced by the backwardation in prices. Typically, the forward price of a commodity will exceed the cash price due to the expenses of insurance, warehousing and inventory financing. When a commodity has a normal upward pricing curve to reflect a higher futures cost, the situation is termed contango. Backwardation, the unusual case where the cost of the physical commodity is higher than future prices, is a classic indicator of surging demand. Another indicator of the great demand for physical silver is the four year low of Comex warehouse silver.

Precious Metals Prices
Fri PM Fix Since Last Recap
Gold $1,402.50 +19.00 (+1.37%)
Silver $32.54 +0.60 (+1.88%)
Platinum $1,791.00 -45.00 (-2.45%)
Palladium $785.00 -62.00 (-7.32%

Gold also continued its upward move with a gain of $19 per ounce after an advance of $19.50 in the previous week. To understand the wealth preservation appeal of gold, one needs only to look at the exponentially increasing level of U.S. debt. Ultimately, the staggering amount of sovereign debt can be serviced only through inflation and dollar debasement which is what the Federal Reserve is currently orchestrating through quantitative easing (money printing).


The U.S. dollar also appears to be losing its cache as the "safe haven" currency. Despite the unprecedented turmoil in the Middle East and the rise in oil prices, the U.S. dollar has weakened over the past two weeks. By comparison, during the financial crisis of 2008, the U.S. dollar appreciated 24% against other major currencies.

The surge in oil prices has led to concerns that the U.S. and world economies will see much lower growth as higher oil prices devastate consumer disposable income. A weakened world economy would probably lead to lower demand for industrial metals such as platinum and palladium which both declined this week. Platinum sold off by $45 and palladium was rocked by a $62 loss from the prior week.
7:32 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Gold and Silver Prices Gain on Week

As measured by the London PM Fix price, gold and silver prices gained on the week after declining approximately 1% each in the previous week. Gold gained $8.50 per ounce on the week to $1,420.00. Silver was the stand out gainer on the week with a 3% or $1.05 per ounce gain. As the situation in Japan and Libya stabilized somewhat, the recent panic selling in financial markets subsided as bargain hunters moved in, although in late trading, stocks gave up much of their gains. Gold and silver also pulled back slightly in New York trading with gold at $1417.80 and silver at $35.10.

As market analysts worried about the potential for slower economic growth due to the disaster in Japan, classic industrial metals saw further price erosion after significant losses in the prior week. Platinum fell by $57 on the week and palladium dropped by $27. Over the past two weeks, platinum has declined by $108 or over 6% while palladium was off $84 for over a 10% loss.

Precious Metals Prices
Fri PM Fix Since Last Recap
Gold $1,420.00 +8.50 (+0.60%)
Silver $35.15 +1.05 (+3.08%)
Platinum $1,720.00 -57.00 (-3.21%)
Palladium $727.00 -27.00 (-3.58%

As discussed last week , the fundamental forces propelling gold higher remain intact. The devastation in Japan will require massive amounts of additional borrowing by a government already reaching the limits of its borrowing ability. Expect Japan to follow the policy of the Federal Reserve with massive amounts of quantitative easing. The currencies of Japan, Europe and the United States all face a loss of real purchasing value as governments engage in money printing to meet spending and borrowing needs that have spiraled out of control.

The toxic combination of low economic growth, weak personal incomes and public resistance to additional tax increases have left governments with no other choice than to engage in massive expansion of the public debt. As constraints on governments' borrowing ability have grown, the last resort option of money printing will continue to result in the debasement of currencies. Increases in the price of precious metals have no upside limit under this scenario.

Silver remains the primary investment choice of many as the metal reasserts itself in relationship to the price of gold. If the very long term historical gold silver ratio reasserts itself as many expect, the price of silver could easily close in on the $100 per ounce level.
7:32 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

US Mint Begins 2011 Gold Buffalo Coin Sales

Earlier this week the United States Mint began sales of the 2011 American Gold Buffalo coins to their network of authorized purchasers. So far, sales are off to somewhat of a tepid start compared to the high initial demand experienced in recent years.

The American Gold Buffalo is a one ounce 24 karat gold coin that has been issued since 2006. Featuring the classic Buffalo Nickel design created by James Earle Fraser, it has enjoyed popularity with both bullion investors and collectors. The US Mint has offered a bullion version of the coin, which is sold to authorized purchasers based on the market price of gold plus a premium, and various collector versions, which are sold to directly by the Mint at higher premiums.

The bullion versions of the coin have not been available since late September, when inventories of the 2010-dated coins became depleted. Prior to the start of sales for the 2011-dated coins on March 14, 2011, the US Mint indicated that they would have a sufficient quantity of the coins to meet public demand. As such, their allocation program, which serves to ration available supplies, would not be necessary. The authorized purchasers were allowed to order unrestricted quantities of the coins, under the typical procedures.

Through March 16, 2011, the US Mint has recorded sales of 21,500 of the one ounce gold bullion coins.

This represents a slower start than the prior two years. In 2009, figures available for the first three days of sales indicated 71,500 coins sold. Last year, opening day sales figures had reached 48,500 coins.
7:29 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

There Is No Getting Around Gold

No central bank can manage a currency well enough to replicate the benefits of an independent value behind it whose convertibility conveys a clear signal about the demand for money. There are compelling reasons that gold is this ideal monetary anchor: Its supply grows at a steady rate that over time mirrors long-run economic growth, it cannot be destroyed or easily lost, and it is historically identifiable as money.

Yet most sympathetic politicians, policymakers and academics shy away from embracing gold. A common refrain is lack of voter knowledge, and there is some truth to this. In focus groups of Democrats and Republicans that we observed over the summer in Cincinnati, most participants had come of age after Bretton Woods and therefore had no living memory of gold playing a central role in monetary policy. But they did comprehend the gold standard when it was explained to them (a third session in Cincinnati with Tea Party activists elicited surprising levels of historical knowledge and support).

Even if they have never heard of the price-specie-flow mechanism, voters have an increasing sense of how the gold standard works because there is an intuitive association of gold with money. A system that last fully operated before World War I is more transparent and understandable than the monetary regime we live under today, dictated by central bankers making policy according to their macroeconomic preoccupations. The monetary authorities themselves do not understand the impact of their decisions on the wider world, where foreign central banks recycle excess reserves into U.S. dollar-denominated debt that artificially boosts asset prices and generates recurring bubbles below the radar of inflation.

Floating money was supposed to be an experiment in alleviating the international payments deficit when President Richard Nixon closed the gold window in 1971. What started as something of a desperation measure took on a life of its own and became an entrenched system with the requisite pro-status quo establishment and line of defense.

Despite its well-documented failings, it has been bailed out time and time again by the resilience of the American economy. Even an optimist like Ronald Reagan would have had a hard time believing in 1971 that the U.S. could survive a monetary crisis of the kind that would occur on his watch.

But the tight money fix that he saw through proved to be a reprieve, rather than an antidote, for the dysfunctionality of debt-based managed money. Would-be reformers have tried to devise solutions designed in large part to avoid including gold, but none have caught fire or shown themselves to be as transparent and simple as the gold standard. The only real debate is between paper money and gold-backed money, and it is already getting under way at the highest levels.
7:28 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

There Is No Getting Around Gold

Earlier this week Thomas Hoenig, president of the Kansas City Federal Reserve, went out of his way to call the gold standard a "very legitimate monetary system." In November, World Bank President Robert Zoellick and Indiana Republican Congressman Mike Pence both called for a serious look at using gold as the centerpiece of international monetary reform.

The fact that a Fed leader, the highest-ranking American official in international economics, and a potential presidential candidate are talking up the gold standard indicates that floating money is running out of political cover, and that the obstacles to gold replacing it are narrowing.

The first confirmation of this was the reaction of certain economic elites who, instead of responding with a straightforward defense of the status quo, lobbed ad hominem attacks on those who dared to mention gold. "I think [Zoellick] is living in the past," Edwin Truman of the Peterson Institute for International Economics told the Financial Times. Gold is "minor and really irrelevant," echoed Peterson Institute Director Fred Bergsten in the same article.

The most common practical objection to the international gold standard is political: that the slight deflationary bias it gives off would not be tolerated by people today. Yet this conclusion overlooks the serial price crashes that the economy has endured since gold was demonetized in 1971.

At different times and most recently all at once, the values of homes, stocks and other investment assets have collapsed and traumatized the lives of ordinary Americans. Think upheaval over monetary policy was a thing of the 19th century? In 1982 a mob of tractor-driving farmers blockaded the Fed headquarters in Washington in protest over high interest rates, leading Chairman Paul Volcker to hold public forums around the country to try and explain his prolonged and painful effort to squeeze inflation out of the economy.

The busts of the post-Bretton Woods era have been the downsides of the bubbles. Taken together they represent the chronic problem of modern capitalism: the excess credit that at its high point decouples capitalist virtues from prosperity and at its low point pins ordinary people under acute economic distress. This is the distinguishing feature of the debt-based monetary system the world inherited by going off gold.
7:24 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Gold, The Sheen Do not Know Inflation

Written By Unknown on Monday, March 7, 2011 | 10:49 PM

Gold. This precious metal has long since become an investment tool before the knowledge of deposit, stocks, or mutual funds. Various types of gold investments, ranging from relatively simple, namely in the form of gold jewelry, bullion, to the dinar.

Then in this modern era, whether investing in gold will still be profitable? Founder site Kusnandar Rulli said, gold has a value asset protection because of the consistency of its purchasing power. When gold prices fell, prices of other commodities, like oil, come down. So if gold prices go down, we do not go down because the property can still buy as much as when gold prices fell. In other words, gold is zero inflation.

Investing in gold is also relatively safe. When you save money in the bank, the material will gradually eroded by administrative costs, 20 percent tax rate, low interest rates and limited warranty. On the other investment institutions have broker fees, administration, taxes, and others. In gold, no need to worry about it all. Gold is not touched by the banking system so that freed from the threat of financial crisis.

In addition, easy to buy gold anytime and anywhere. Similarly, when selling it. The process of buying and selling easier, faster, and its value following the international market prices continued to strengthen. As for investments, such as property, deposits, vehicles, and works of art it took more than a day to melt it.

Gold is also an effective means of saving money. There is no cost depreciation in the value of gold, and even continued to rise. Short-term value of gold does fluctuate. However, since last 10 years, its value continues to rise more than 406 percent. "With relatively little money, you can start saving gold. With cash approximately USD 250,000, for example, you can buy 0.5 grams of gold," said Rulli.

Wakala Archipelago in the notes, the gold dinar exchange rate (4.2 grams of gold content of 91.7 percent or 22 carat) in 2000 to approximately USD 400,000 and the price of one zak cement was approximately USD 20,000. So then, a gold dinar to buy 20 zak cement. In January 2011, the exchange rate of one gold dinar USD 1.69 million, while the price of Rp 50,000 per zak cement so that one can be bought for 32 dinars zak cement. In other words, the price of cement in the period 2000-2010 in dollars rose 150 percent, but the gold dinar declined 40 percent.
10:49 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

New Records translucent, the more expensive Gold

The contract price of gold through a new record in New York in the position of 1435.60 U.S. dollars per troy ounce (1 troy ounce = about 31.1 grams). Apparently the tension in Libya to boost demand for gold as an investment alternative.

Just so you know, the contract price of gold for April delivery hit a record high in history after the closure of the New York Comex market. At 13:49 pm New York time, with rising gold prices perched 21.30 U.S. dollars or 1.5 percent, so it was in the position of 1431.20 U.S. dollars. The previous record was in the position of 1432.50 U.S. dollars per troy ounce.

Meanwhile, the contract price of gold for current delivery rose 1.7 percent to a record high in history to the position of 1434.93 U.S. dollars. At 16:01 New York time,
Tambah Gambargold prices rose 1.6 percent to 1434.27 U.S. dollars.

Today, political tensions in Libya becomes increasingly likely. Last situation, the opposition Libya received support from the U.S. and European countries after Moammar Gaddafi sent troops to retake areas held by the demonstrators.
10:47 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Tap New Record, Gold Dollar Can 1600

Gold prices higher. Gold contract for April 2011 delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange (Nymex), Wednesday (02/03/2011) closed surged 6.50 dollars to 1437.70 U.S. dollars per troy ounce. This is a record for the highest price of gold throughout history.

Political climate in the Middle East and North Africa that would not go down, lit a market anxiety about the future world economic recovery. This condition is the polish of gold to a new record.

Global Investor busy-busy removing risky assets and move into safe-haven instruments, namely gold. Prices of other commodities, like crude oil, also crept up. Contract delivery West Texas Intermediate crude (WTI) for April 2011 in New York Mercantile Exchange reached 102.23 U.S. dollars per barrel. This is the highest price during the last 29 months.

World worries political crisis triggered civil war in Libya in the oil-rich country. OPEC members are recorded to produce oil by 1.5 million barrels per day.

Problems geopolitical concern is spreading. After Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, a similar problem threatens Yemen, Oman, and Bahrain. "Market participants worry if this chaotic spread to Saudi Arabia," said Herry Setyawan, Analyst Indosukses Futures. As the largest oil producing country in the world, Saudi Arabia's current political condition worthy of scrutiny.

Nizar Hilmy, Harumdana Futures analyst, believes the increase in commodity prices could trigger higher inflation. Thus, the steps switch the investment portfolios of risky instruments into safe haven could not negotiable.

Analysts believe gold prices are still going uphill. If there is any correction, it was only temporary.

The price of gold in the long term is predicted to touch U.S. $ 1500 per Troy ounce. "It could even penetrate 1600 U.S. dollars per troy ounce this year," said Ng Cheng Thye, Senior Trader Standard Merchant Bank Ltd. in Singapore as quoted by Bloomberg yesterday.
10:45 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Gold prices also fell Participate

Gold price in Asian markets down from record levels because of speculation will end the tension in Libya after Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez offered to help the solution. It dampen demand for gold as a hedging asset.
Until 14:35 pm, gold for April delivery contract on the COMEX division, NYMEX market-the United States fell 0.69 percent to a level of 1427.8 U.S. dollars per troy ounce from yesterday's closing at 1437.7 U.S. dollars per troy ounce. In fact, last night in New York market, the yellow is the highest scoring record in 1440.32 U.S. dollars per troy ounce.

Wall Street Journal said, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has called the Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi and offer assistance to help the formation of the mediation commission. Al Arabiya TV, quoting the Secretary-General Amr Moussa, said the plan was being studied by the Arab League.

Hwang Doo-il, senior trader KEB Futures Co. said the optimism that Chavez offered to mediate the conflict would end the possibility of riots in Libya that led the price decline in gold and oil.

As for commodities analyst at MF Global Holdings Ltd, Edward Meir, acknowledges, the events in the Middle East is a very significant sentiment to move the market. "But gold will be strengthened to remember not seeing any quick solution to the situation there,
10:43 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Touch Gold Price Highest Level Again

The contract price of gold once again scored a new record for the third time in the last week. Tension growing tense in Libya make investors worry that boosted demand for gold as an investment alternative.

Gold prices highest record in history at the level of 1445.70 U.S. dollars per troy ounce after troops moved towards the Libyan opposition in Tripoli. Meanwhile, military forces loyal to the Moammar Qaddafi to increase the use of military equipment.

Conditions that make the world oil prices again rallied to its highest level in 29 months. Market participants fear, the shocks that occurred in Libya will spread to a number of other areas in the Middle East.

"gold market is very influenced by oil price movements. Investors are worried, the clashes will spread to Saudi Arabia which is the world's largest oil producer," said Frank McGhee, head dealer of Integrated Brokerage Services LLC, in Chicago.

Note only, at 13:32 pm New York time, the contract price of gold for April delivery rose 5.90 dollars or 0.4 percent, so perched on the position of 1434.50 U.S. dollars on the Comex, New York. In the last week, gold prices rallied 1.4 percent
10:35 PM | 0 komentar | Read More Techie Blogger